It’s been an increasingly busy time at the Mission this week!
We’re serving breakfast and lunch every day and supporting Absolute Angels and Food4Thought for the evening meals on Thursdays and Fridays. Which means we are serving between 150-200 meals each day! We couldn’t do this without our army of volunteers and staff, those working on site and those working from home.
We’ve seen a 50% increase in people using the service over the past 2 weeks, and we’re taking every possible step to keep our volunteers and clients safe and well at this time with new procedures in place at our base at Brodie Hall.
We’ve had some amazing donations of food from the supermarkets who regularly donate to us – Marks & Spencer, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury and Asda - thank you so much!
Following the closure of many restaurants and hotels in the town, the generosity of the staff has been overwhelming with many giving us large stores of their surplus produce – we’ve had to obtain large freezers to keep the all the food! Shout-outs to Pomodoro Mozzarella, Love All Café, East Beach Hotel, You Raise me Up Café and Urban Ground.
These amazing businesses have allowed us to provide hearty, healthy, great quality meals for people. Our Friday lunch this week we had a beautiful ploughman’s lunch, with a fresh fruit pot topped with freshly made smoothie and a gorgeous dollop of clotted cream.
With delays to benefits and mortgage breaks, and self-employed income at an all-time low and jobs lost in the hospitality and leisure industry, our work with families has gone up by 500%, that’s quite an increase! If you are a family in need at this time – we may be able to help you. Get in touch via our Facebook page and send us a message.
Our Matthew25 Mission shop is now closed for the foreseeable future, so that is an income stream which we can’t rely on for the moment. Thank you to all those who continue to support the Mission with prayer, time and donations.
We look forward to sharing our news with you next week!