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Thank You - ASDA & Morrisons

Pressures on the most vulnerable in our town continue to increase. For example, during the month of October, 38% of our average 60 daily guests were rough sleepers (compared to 20% a year ago). We are also now serving 45-50 hot breakfasts every day, and some 50 hot dinners at lunchtime, three days a week.

Therefore, we are hugely grateful for all donations which help us keep up with the rising demand for meals: all the more acute with winter almost upon us.

Both ASDA, and now Morrisons - on their own initiative - have placed unmanned food collection bins for Matthew 25 in their respective stores. This is wonderful, and we would encourage all our friends and supporters to make good use of them! But of course not at the expense of the Foodbank bins: please continue to fill them too!

Thank you all so much for your continuing support. You are such an encouragement to us!

Graham J Horsnell


The Matthew 25 Mission


"Whatever you did for the least of these you did for me"
Matthew 25:40

Brodie Hall, Seaside, Eastbourne BN22 7NN

©2023 by The Matthew 25 Mssion. Registered Charity in England & Wales : 1163389
Registered Company in England & Wales : 09649569

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